Saturday, December 19, 2009

A delay in my update

So I realized that I haven't updated in about two weeks, mainly because I've had a break from school and got carried away, but here I am...
So I wasn't feeling so well the last week before school vacation so I missed a couple mornings, and I also don't remember every singe recipe we made, so I'm not going to go listing them, but the last day before vacation (in cooking class) we made a two course meal: the first course was fish patties with creamy coriander sauce, and the second course was spicy chicken, potato salad, and sweet potato french fries. (IT WAS AMAZING!.. and both images above) In baking we were given a small test which meant we had to make cinnamon buns and babka (from scratch, obviously).

Over vacation I've been spending most of my time with the Greenbaums (family friends here in Israel), except for a couple nights. On Sunday night I went to a battle of the bands with alot of other guys from yeshiva, which was really fun and to top it off, my yeshivas band was the winner :) Actually, that night same night, before we left, there was an ask the rabbi session which I was asked to moderate. Then on Monday night I went with the Greenbaums to Yerachom to visit their new granddaughter. On Wednesday night I went to a party in Katamon (an area in Yerushalayim) which was pretty fun. And then I was back here (at the Greenbaums) for shabbat. Unfortunately, Etty wasn't feeling so well so I helped a little bit with the preparations.
I start school again on Monday, and I'll be here until then getting ready to go back to school.

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