Saturday, November 7, 2009

Cookies and sauces and wine (oh my!)

So, I've had quite the week. As I already posted at the beginning of the week we didn't have school on sunday or monday because there wasn't electricity in the school. At the same time I wouldn't have gone because I was also sick. Luckily I only ended up missing ONE day instead of THREE. Anyways I found I didn't miss too much once I got back. In the baking class they had started on cookies (we ate like three trays durring class on wednesday so everyone was KINDA starting to get hyper... or at least I was). In cooking we had started on sauces, so we used the same basic method for all of them (thickening up soup stalks with a rue). There was added confusion in class because there wasn't enough fish stock for everyone to make a full recipe so the chef told us to half both recipes then he realized there WAS enough chicken stock for a full recipe which confused alot of people.
On thursday we went to the Katz winery (which is on the same moshav where school is). So Mr. Katz (at least I think thats his name) gave us a very very long lecture on wine explaining all about the chemistry and whatnot which alot of people found very boring (myself included) although it could have been related to the fact that you had to really pay attention to him to understand his english. Finally after several hours we washed out the bin we were going to use for our wine and then we put the grapes into a machine that seperated them from the stems. Then after a long day we were allowed to go home.
All in all a short but interesting week.

1 comment:

  1. Just got the URL from your parents - glad things are going well! BTW in case you want to impress people, that sauce is spelled "roux." :-) - Elka
