Sunday, November 1, 2009

Oy Gevalt, I'm sick!

So I hope that I'm able to write more often even when I'm not sick, however today I have the opportunity to update, so here it goes:
Yesterday morning I woke up and I wasn't feeling so good. I didn't feel warm or anything, but in the evening I started to get chills and I had a temperature of 37.7 C which is about 99.9F, roughly. So I had been spending shabbos in mivaseret with family friends (and my parents, as it was their last day in Israel), and I was supposed to get a ride back to Bet Shemesh anyways, so before I went to yeshiva I went to Terem, which is like an open doctors office until midnight (and it's open later than regular hospitals are here). So I get there and I'm waiting and when they finally take me into a room and take my vitals... my bloodpressure was a bit higher than usual, and my temperature was 39 C which is about 102 F. To make a long story short (okay, it's not THAT long) they took a throat culture and ruled out strep, and then they said I should just take medications and stay home from school for a day or two until I feel better. Etty, was very kind and generous and offered for me to stay at her house (where my parents have been staying for the past three weeks) until I get better, which was very kind of her. I think that the offer made my mom feel at ease because she felt bad about returning home while I was still sick.

Anywho, I go back to yeshiva and collect my things for the next few days and Etty took me back to Mivaseret. But here's the kicker: I woke up this morning and I got a call from the principal saying that the electric in the school went out and class was canceled for the day. Here's the bigger kicker: I received an email from the principal this afternoon saying that the electric was not fixed today and they would have to return tomorrow to finish fixing the electric thus no school tomorrow as well, which means two days to get better without missing ANY school!!!

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