Sunday, November 22, 2009


So it's been a little over week since my last update and for that I should apologize as my avid readers are eagerly awaiting more and more news of my exciting life in Israel!

So last week we continued with sauces in culinary... the most interesting class so far was on wednesday (which is our last day of classes) where we were given a practical test. This meant we were given three recipes that we had not seen but included different skills we had been working on up until then. (The recipes were 1. Tomato basil Vinaigrette 2. Carrot coulis 3. mango salsa) We were graded on a number of categories some of which were uniform, cleanliness/ organization (of our stations), knife skills, and taste. After the test the teacher spoke with all the students indivudally to give them their grades and feedback based on their performances. For all those who are curious I did more than just hold my own, but in case anyone in the school is reading it may be better not to post my grades through this medium.
In pastries we were working on butter cakes, muffins, and other various recipes that don't quite spring to mind at the moment. On wednesday the pastry class made parve desserts for the dinner that was being hosted at the school the following evening (see previous blog entry for more details) which apparently went off without a hitch-- the event that is, there actually was at least ONE issue that I witnesses while making the pastries that involved a temperature problem with the oven, unfortunately. Next week there will be practical exams for the baking class.

On thursday, after Ulpan (hebrew language classes) we went to the winery to continue our wine project. This meant that we were straining out the wine, that is seperating out the now somewhat fermented juice from the shells and flesh. I do have a couple pictures but I don't think I'm going to post them today. I will, however, do my best to post them before the week is up.
I was in Yeshiva for shabbat which was AWESOME. I forgot how great an in Shabbos at yeshiva is. There were also a good number of guests there and I had the oppourtunity to get to know some of them and hang out with them.
Another accomplishment is that I finished listening to the radio series for the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy (put out by the BBC) -- hence the title of this post. For those of you who don't know what that is I HIGHLY reccomend that you change that immediately...
Anywho, I'm sorry that I kind of rushed through this entry, but that pretty much sums it up. Before I go one joke by my pastry chef:
A man walks into a pastry shop and asks the chef "Do you have carrot cake?" to which the chef responds "No." The next day the same customer returns and asks the same question, receiving the same answer. After about a week of this the customer says "You know I'm going to come back and ask you for carrot cake, so why don't you just make one?" So the next day the chef makes a carrot cake, and when the customer walks in and asks "Do you have any carrot cake?" The Chef responds "Yes! Today I made a carrot cake!" To which the customer replies "Disgusting isn't it?"

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