Saturday, October 31, 2009

I gotta start blogging more often :)

So I don't mean to be so infrequent with my posts, and I'm trying to fit in a second time where I can sit and blog. Hopefully I'll work at updating even more that that, but for today I apoligize if there is alot to read *cough* Josh *Cough* *Cough*

Anywho, this week we were working on soup stocks, so at the beginning of the week we made a chicken stock, an asian stock, and a beef stock. We did all the prep, but we didn't have the bones we needed to actually start, so instead for the last 45 min or so of class the teacher gave us vegetable and told us to make a soup... this was a mini test. I should also mention that that day we learned about different spices and whatnot (or maybe it was the day before?) so that was also part of the test to see how we mixed spices and herbs into out soups, although it wasn't explicit in the instructions. I only put in a few spices because the teacher had mentioned several times already that the key to a good dish is simplicity.
The next day we made the stocks, and then on wednesday (our last day of classes for the week) we made fish stock... and then a fish glace (I think that what it's called, essentially it's similar to fish stock only there's wine and lemon in it as well and it uses the fish stock). Then he showed us how to fillet salmon and we each got a piece to make poached salmon along with a small salad and vinegerette to finish the dish. I must say that wednesday was the best lunch so far.

As for the pastry class, I apologize because I can't remember everything we made by name, but we made apple pies from scratch, including the filling, we made chololate short dough tarts, we made mousse and a whole bunch of other chocolatey things... I will hopefully be posting more pictures of the desserts I'm making... and when I remember to take pictures of the main courses I will post those as well. To end off the week we made keishes, which are harder to roll out because the dough dosen't have sugar in it.

That more or less sums up this week. Thankfully I've more or less figured out how to get to school on a sheirut, I just need to get up early enough. I also figured out where I need to get off on the bus home to avoid walking aimlessly for an extra 30 min or so than I need to. However, my getting lost the first week gave me somewhat of a sense for the area... along with a map that I have which is usefull if you read it correctly...

Also, thursday night some of the people from the program got together for some drinks which was a fun/ interesting night. For future record: 1. beware of girls who say they bite when they are drunk, and 2. if a girl (or I assume anyone for that matter) says that they can hold their alcohol and says they bite it usually means they can't do the former.

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