Sunday, October 18, 2009

I think my headphones are broken

So I just tried calling a couple people from my internet line on my computer and unfortunately it didn't work so well which has led me to the conclusion that my headphones are broken. I will update when I know for sure.

So I got my first glimpse of the Jerusalem Culinary Institute on Friday. Our Family friends drove me and my father by the school to make sure we knew where it was, and then today was the orientation for students and parents who may be in the area. Let me tell you, the school is very nice and apparently world renown. They served a brunch, which was exquisite, and then we were taken on a tour of the school. We were supposed to get our uniforms today as well but the supply company didn't arrive in time and we were told we'd receive them tomorrow. Both of the chefs (I'm taking a cooking and patisserie class) are very nice and they really seem like they know what they are doing. The best part is that you really need to be hands on in order to learn. The only down side is how to get to the school. The most direct, and expensive, option would be a cab which would take me right to the doors of the school (okay, really just the front gate), my other option is the bus which is cheaper but would only take me to the bus stop right outside where the moshav is located, which means I would need to walk across the highway and be extra extra careful not to get hit by a car ... passing at about 50MPH.

All in all it seems like a great program and I'm excited to see how it is. Also, apparently some guys go there because they are college or high school dropouts and have trouble stringing sentences together. I hope that means I'll have a leg up on the competition.

Till next time, remember that the only thing worse than a dog that bites is a dog that likes you and still tries biting you!


  1. I disagree; there's no difference between a dog who likes you and a dog who doesn't when they're biting you (practically speaking) - the end result is that you have a dog bite and need to go get a rabies shot.

    I also disagree, in that there are quite a lot of things that are worse than being bitten by a dog; war, famine and pestilence being the three biggies that immediately spring to mind.

  2. The only good kind of dog is of the corn persuasion.
