Thursday, October 15, 2009

Coming to the holy land...

So today was my first day in Israel. It was pretty uneventful in the sense that all I did today was unpack and sleep (I didn't realize how tired I was from the flight!)
My trip here was fairly uneventful. I had a connecting flight from Boston to NY, and then I waited from around 12:00PM till 8:00 in the airport. once we were on the plane we were delayed an hour and a half first because of a family who was unhappy with their seating arrangements, and then because of a medical emergency (rumor has it a woman was going into labor. I knew that I was on a plane with alot of other Jewish people because is smelled like heavy perfume and brisket.

Nothing too eventful happened during the flight save for some turbulence and a second rate flight crew... at the the stewardesses.

The yeshiva, where I'll be living for the year, is mostly the same. There is a new dormitory which is very nice, and some of the rules have changed but like I said mostly everything is the same here except for the students. There is a kitten that is living in our laundry room, however. Apparently people call her screamer because when you walk up to her all she does is meow at you. Some yeshiva students found screamer by the makolet (grocery store near the yeshiva, essentially a glorified warehouse with a cash register) and brought her back. We have no idea if she has any diseases though so everyone washes their hands after dealing with her. I try not to touch her for the very same reason. Also she won't drink milk. She's been on a steady diet of deli meat and water although it's not obvious from looking at her.
Anywhoo, thats pretty much all I have to talk about at this time, but I'll try to update soon and bring many anecdotes from my life here in the Holy Land

Chef Shmush


  1. Am I mistaken, or did you try to rationalize that you did nothing all day but unpack and sleep?

  2. What doesn't make you tired? Am I right? =P

  3. Also, LOVE the perfume and brisket comment =)
